The campaign to save Jerusalem's treasured nature site and unique observation point. An urban green space and community recreation park
Join the campaign to Save Miztpetel
Mitzpetel - on the Armon Hanatziv ridge, where you have a unique panoramic view of the Old City, Herodion, the Dead Sea, and Mount Scopus. A recreation and nature site that is an attraction for the local community and for thousands of visitors.
This unique hill is under threat of immediate destruction. The Israel Police is promoting a plan to build a huge security camp on this open recreational site which will destroy the natural ecosystem, obstruct a 360 degree viewpoint, and rob the public of the only green open space in the area.
The plan is in advanced approval stages and we are working to stop it immediately!

This is NOT!! a building site

Do you see a nature reserve or a building site?
The site is distinctive for its flora: Drimia plants and geophytes such as Autumn Crocuses and White Crocuses bloom and in spring, a breathtaking carpet of Lupine.
The unique combination of nature and vista attracts thousands of visitors from all over the country. Mitzpetel is an irreplaceable natural, scenic, and historical asset and is part of an area that the Jerusalem Municipality has declared to be an urban nature site.
"The police disregard for the residents of the area creates a crisis of confidence - The struggle over the Mitzpetel has reached a climax"

"Vets against the police: Do not destroy the site where our squadron members were killed"
Israel Today - 29.11.21 https://www.israelhayom.co.il/military-life/article/5971785
"Armon Hanatziv residents fight plan to turn meadow into police stations"

How you can help?
Contribute today to our crowdfunding campaign
Join our committee
Take part in our events and activities - details on Facebook
Buy, wear and upload photos wearing the campaign t-shirts (2022 fashion hit) with the #SaveMitzpetel
Send us any ideas and suggestion for assistance savemitzpetel@gmail.com

What have we done so far?
* We raised thousands of shekels to hire a first-rate lawyer
* We recruited experts * We made our voices heard in the municipality and the district committee
* We met with MKs and public figures * Interviewed in the press * Assisted residents in submitting objections to the district committee (hundreds objected) *promoted a petition (thousands signed)

Who we are?
The Save Mitzpetel committee are all volunteers. Residents of the Armon Hanatziv neighborhood and activists from all over the country, who care of the preservation of Jerusalem's natural treasures and landscape.